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In Touch & In Tune Counselling

In Touch & In Tune Counselling was founded with a passion for supporting individuals and organizations in their mental health and spiritual journeys. I offer individuals and organizations the psychodynamic tools to be in touch with themselves, and in tune with the world around them.

Zach Hair Portrait


Individual therapy sessions designed to help clients explore their emotions, thoughts, and behaviours in a safe and supportive environment. 


Promote a culture of compassion within your organization through the customization of content, addressing a diverse range of wellness topics in adaptable formats.

Black & White Portrait of Zach Hair in background


With over 12 years of experience, I specialize in supporting individuals in identifying and reaching their personal goals while effectively managing the challenges causing them distress. I take great pride in the progress and success of my clients, and look forward to helping you. Get in touch to learn more.

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