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Therapeutic Offerings

In Touch

For adults and adolescents, individual therapy sessions help clients explore their emotions, thoughts, and behaviours in a safe and supportive environment. Through the use of psychodynamic tools and unconditional positive regard, I help clients gain insight into themselves and develop strategies to overcome the challenges they face.

Topics of Interest:

  • Trauma Impacts

  • Anxiety & Depression

  • General Mental Health 

  • Sexual & Domestic Violence, LGBTQ+ Health Concerns 

  • Substance Abuse 

  • ​Identity & Meaning

  • Grief/Loss & Spiritual Challenges


  • Complimentary 15 Minute Phone Consultation

  • Counselling Sessions (50 minutes) — $160 + GST

  • Sessions offered virtual or over the phone

  • Pay easily via e-transfer or debit/credit card. Direct billing available for Registered Clinical Counsellors under many health plans. Check with your insurance provider.

In Tune

Through delivering psychospiritual education via workshops, lectures, and presentations, I stand ready to assist your organization in uncovering its strengths. I offer support as you embark on positive change, enhance safety measures, and foster a culture that encourages thriving connections for everyone involved.

Topics of Interest:

  • Managing Difficult Emotions

  • Mental Health & Addictions

  • Trauma Informed Care

  • Regulation Strategies For Children & Youth in Crisis

  • Counselling Skills & Client Relations

  • Supporting The Human Spirit

  • Holistic Caregiving


  • My lectures, workshops, presentations and psychoeducational resources are tailored to your organization's unique needs. I utilize a value-based billing system to maximize the benefits of our expertise for you. 

  • What is value billing? "Value billing is a way of billing a client for services provided. The amount billed is based on the value of the service (or information) instead of the number of hours spent."​

  •  Contact to learn more and have a free consultation.

To book an In Tune workshop , presentation or lecture, please e-mail me at: 

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